First Aid Snake Bite Treatment – RIGHT
- Reassure the patient. Control the anxiety. Lie flat with bitten limb below heart.
- Immobilise the limbby using splint. Don’t usetight compression band.
- Get to Hospital immediately.
- Tell doctor about the symptoms of the patient
- Allow the wound to bleed for 1-2min
- Clean the wound with disinfectant
- Put gauze pad over it and hold it with adhesive tape
- Remove tight clothes, shoe, watch and ring
- Immobilize the limb with splint
- Reassure the patient
- Transport to the hospital immediately
- Don’t use ice pack
- Don’t use tourniquets
- Don’t make incision over the wound
- Don’t give electric shock in the wound
- Don’t give anything to drink and eat
Pre- Hospital Care
- Don’t use traditional or herbal method. Instesd of being beneficial it has found to be dangerous
- Monitor the vitals
- Large bore IV canula open and give crystalloid fluid
- Bitten or not
- If yes:- severity
- Place:-
- Forest - Cobra
- Field - Viper
- Home surrounding - Krait
- Snake identify
- Time since bite
- Medical History:-
- Date of last tetanus immunization
- Medication
- Systemic disease
- History of allergy
Physical Examination :-
- Bite site - edema, petechiae, oozing
- Extend of swelling
- Measure circumference of 3 sites (1 bite site, 2 proximal site) - every 15 min
- Put splint for 24 hour
- Check distal pulsation
Severe Envenomation Confirmed if:-
- Snake is poisonous
- Extent of swelling
- Lymph node tender
- Systemic symptoms - Hypotension, shock, respiratory failure, renal failure, cardiac arrest
- Systemic bleeding from gum
Anti - Snake Venom
It is never adminster in field as it may cause allergic reactions like itching, dry cough, nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, muscle pain, joint pain and shortness of breath.
So it is only used in children whom benefits exceed the risk.