I am sure that you have seen the person who is suffering from hypertension in your life. It is so common that you will find the cases in your community also.
Blood Pressure Measurement |
Risk Factors (Non-Modifiable):-
1. Increasing Age
2. Family History
3. Ethnicity - black
It is mostly asymptomatic so routine checkup is necessary. But may present with "hypertensive headache" occurs in the morning and is localized to the occipital region. Other nonspecific symptoms include dizziness, palpitations and easy fatigability.
So it will be easy if you know how to measure the blood pressure by using sphygmomanometer at your home.
Home Blood Pressure Recordings :-
• Use a validated machine, well maintained and properly calibrated
• Measure sitting BP routinely
• Remove tight clothing from the arm
• Support the arm at the level of the heart
• Use a cuff of appropriate size
• Inflate the cuff
• Lower the mercury slowly (2 mm per second)
• Read the BP to the nearest 2 mmHg
• Apperance of sound measure systolic BP
• Disappearance of sounds measure diastolic BP
Blood pressure is written as systolic pressure/diastolic pressure.
If >140/90mmHg then it is consider as Hypertension.
Semi-Automatic Device For Blood Pressure Measurement |
Patients can also measure their own BP at home using a range of variable-quality semi-automatic devices. The real value of such measurements is not well established but similar considerations apply.
You can still control you blood pressure WITHOUT any medications:-
• Low salt intake i.e. <5g/day
• Fresh fruits and vegetables
• Dietary fiber intake
• Less intake of saturated fat
• Stop smoking and consuming alcohol
• Daily exercise (at least 30min) to reduce your weight [Body Mass Index (kg/m2 ) = 18.5 to 24.9]
• Stress free environment
• Yoga and meditation
If not controlled then consult the doctor for anti-hypertensive medications.